2013: end of year booking

Because I used to be a mathematician, there are charts.

I read 108 books in 2013, mainly novels.


In 2012, I read over 150 books, so this was a slower year for me. I plead that I read both Swann’s Way and War and Peace and that took up much time.

I stuck to English a lot.


When I did venture out of English, I did as below.


In terms of gender:


In terms of Canadianess, which is rather vague, basically encompassing a wide variety of born Canadian, chosen Canadian, living in Canada, etc.


Ratings from zero to five, although I’m pretty sure that you can’t give a zero on librarything so maybe from 0.5 to 5, not that there were any 0.5 rankings in 2013.


And here is a list of the 4.5 and 5 star books I read in 2013 (alphabetically).

  1. Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
  2. HHhH by Laurent Binet
  3. The Orenda by Joseph Boyden
  4. World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks
  5. Drunk Mom: A Memoir by Jowita Bydlowska
  6. The Rotters’ Club by Jonathan Coe
  7. The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  8. The Lightning Field by Heather Jessup
  9. The Vanishers by Heidi Julavits
  10. The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver
  11. Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella
  12. Bobcat and Other Stories by Rebecca Lee
  13. Anastasia Again by Lois Lowry
  14. Now We Are Six by A. A. Milne
  15. When We Were Very Young by A. A. Milne
  16. Little Children by Tom Perrotta
  17. The Wives of Bath by Susan Swan
  18. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
  19. Ru by Kim Thúy
  20. The Story of Lucy Gault by William Trevor
  21. By Blood by Ellen Ullman
  22. The Pale King by David Foster Wallace
  23. Sorry Please Thank You: Stories by Charles Yu


Best novel (in English): The Rotters’ Club by Jonathan Coe. I’ve read this book before and I still love it. I could just wrap myself up in it forever.

Best novel (in translation): HHhH by Laurent Binet. I’d previously thought The Kindly Ones was the contemporary Holocaust novel. I was wrong, and Binet completely savages The Kindly Ones as well (Houellebecq does Nazism).

Best novel (Canadian): The Lightning Field by Heather Jessup. Just such a kind-hearted novel with a formica tabletop within.

Best short story collection: Bobcat and Other Stories by Rebecca Lee. Every story was perfect. I am jealous.

Best not-a-fiction-book: Drunk Mom: A Memoir by Jowita Bydlowska. I read lots of books about flawed parents. Then I feel better/worse/the same/everything all at once.

I’m hoping for 125 books in 2014. We’ll see. Hopefully I can steer away from the stack of Solzhenitsyn sitting on my shelf, whose reading would slow me down to a snail’s crawl.