quarterly report

Stolen shamelessly from Reading In Bed.

So here are some quarterly stats of my reading so far this year.

Recommended reading (i.e. rated 4.5 stars or above out of 5):


  • 47% female authors
  • 24% Canadian authors
  • 23% writers of colour
  • 2% originally in Ukrainian, 2% originally in Hungarian, and all the rest originally in English

So, could be better, could be worse.

And today is the fourth snow day since last Wednesday. Too miserable to go out with less and less to do. Plus Friday is another day off. Tesfa and I might kill each other soon.


  1. Laura Frey

    Well I shamelessly stole it from any number of other book bloggers, so I wouldn’t worry about it 🙂

    Hellgoing is great, eh? I’m in a short story mood lately. Read Munro, Gallant, Coady and Birrell lately and going to read Emma Donoghue’s Astray this month.

  2. Post

    I really enjoyed Hellgoing, but I know a lot of other people found it, I guess too post-modern. The stories’ rarely follow the arc of conflict rising, conflict resolution, dénouement, end. The stories are all more along the lines of stuff happens.

    I have yet to brave Gallant. The six hundred page collection of her stories sits there at the public library, mocking me, daring me to take it out. I plan to for my next long vacation, whenever that will be.

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