July 2016

I read:


Edge the Bare Garden by Roseanne Cheng: Reviewed earlier this month.

Unspeakable Things by Kathleen Spivack: Reviewed earlier this month.

My Name is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Strout: Reviewed earlier this month.

Angel of Oblivion by Maja Haderlap: Review will be posted closer to the publication date.

Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff: My opinion: pretentious American twaddle. The establishment’s opinion: Amazing, award winning, wonderful.

Private Beach by David Jerome Hahn: Reviewed earlier this month.

My Life Before Me by Norah McClintock: A YA novel that I guess is supposed to be good for you, like kale. I don’t much like eating kale. Geoff puts kale on pizza though.

P.S. Your Not Listening by Eleanor Craig: Reviewed earlier this month.

The two Elena Ferrante books I read this month: These books are like cream, like chocolate milk that simply slides down my throat. I read and think of the few female friends I’ve known; I don’t have many. One in particular though, where our relationship is as long as the toxic and intoxicating one Ferrante writes about. I don’t know. I was never good with friends, especially female ones. Sorry.

Favourite book:

Most promising book on my wishlist:

I watched:


Odd Squad: I don’t know if I can love the new agents as much as I love Olive and Otto.

The Mindy Project: It hurts my heart the Mindy and Danny situation.

I wrote: Faeries faeries faeries.