Review of The First Honeymoon by Lyn Coffin

First, can I just say, unrelated to the content, but totally related to the content, the font? All sans-serif Arial style? That’s a bit much on the eyes. We don’t have to go all super serifed or ugly serifed or anything, but it looks cheap. I powered through, but I guess I like books in serifed font.

Now, to content that’s actually content.

Ups and downs. Some stories I thought clever — Fable for instance, with every sentence getting its own moral. Others were those what is real? what is imagined? style stories that simply don’t turn my crank. Most stories were short and sweet, seventeen of them gently placed into 163 pages. The stories are airy, some no more than an idea let loose onto the page. That’s fine. Sometimes wisps are all that’s required. Most aren’t about youth, the way so many stories and books and movies and plots assume that all we lose the ability to care about those who aren’t under the age of thirty-one. People are in their fifties, in some of these stories, people are on their third marriages, someone bred peacocks (so we aren’t devoid of quirk).

When I write stories, I feel they are like Coffin’s: a tiny bit out of sync somehow that I’m not talented enough to articulate. Things are there, but it feels like a morsel without the ability to stretch into a meal. I like them though, for what little that’s worth.

The First Honeymoon by Lyn Coffin went on sale March 29, 2015.

I received a copy free from Librarything in exchange for an honest review.