odds and ends

This and that has been happening. Tesfa had a five day weekend because her school has a lot of long weekends. She spent her days off back at Montessori and I had some more time to work, which I spent typing because typing is what I do. But, then, after typing, I don’t feel much like coming here to type, so things have happened that I haven’t much commented on and now I’ll do it in one, large, glurggy, list.

  1. Typed more of my faerie story. Changed the mechanics again, but this is why I am typing it up. I can’t remember all the mechanics I’ve used so far in my notebook and typing is supposed to be helping me weave together all the threads. Instead, I see plot holes that need fixing. Maybe I’ll fix them by magic again.
  2. My writing mentor for my course is incapacitated. So I got a new writing mentor. There is no onomatopoeia that really fits here – but picture me making the sound of grinding my teeth. Things happen. Only one month in. Not that much work lost. Still, me grinding my teeth.
  3. I learned about the word saudade, which is a good word for my time-travelling story about loops that I haven’t written or really thought about yet.
  4. Everyone’s first novel is a failure. So I keep telling myself about Come From Away. It’s okay. It’ll make my faerie story all the better
  5. I got a rejection (We were intrigued by your writing, but didn’t feel that this particular submission was a good fit for the next issue). Did my sulk. Then sent in another story to another journal (The Antigonish Review – they will publish something of mine someday!) Then (more onomatopoeia sound of happiness or joy or something) got an email about being a finalist in short story contest. I don’t know if I’m allowed to link to the contest or the journal before the results are announced, so I won’t, but check back in a few days because they’re supposed to give me the results soon and then you can find out if I won or if I am a finalist and either way, they are publishing a story of mine, so stay tuned.